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539 نتائج ل "Deák, István"
صنف حسب:
Europe on Trial
Europe on Trial explores the history of collaboration, retribution, and resistance during World War II. These three themes are examined through the experiences of people and countries under German occupation, as well as Soviet, Italian, and other military rule. Those under foreign rule faced innumerable moral and ethical dilemmas, including the question of whether to cooperate with their occupiers, try to survive the war without any political involvement, or risk their lives by becoming resisters. Many chose all three, depending on wartime conditions. Following the brutal war, the author discusses the purges of real or alleged war criminals and collaborators, through various acts of violence, deportations, and judicial proceedings at the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal as well as in thousands of local courts. Europe on Trial helps us to understand the many moral consequences both during and immediately following World War II.
Miserable Hungarian Occupiers and Their Miserable Subjects: Review Article of Ungváry, Krisztián. A magyar megszálló csapatok a Szovjetunióban, 1941-1944. Esemény - elbeszélés - utóélet The Hungarian Occupation Troops in the Soviet Union, 1941-1944. Event - Narrative - Afterlife. Osiris, pp. 467. Maps, Photographs
It took some seventy years after World War II for the educated part of the Hungarian public to obtain comprehensive information on the double tragedy of Hungary’s participation in the German military campaign against the Soviet Union. Not only was the army’s defeat at the Don River in the winter of 1942/43 an unmitigated catastrophe, but as Krisztián Ungváry demonstrates, the Hungarian honvéd forces, performing occupation duty in Ukraine and a part of Belorussia, committed atrocities against the civilian population which nearly equaled those of the German occupiers. Moreover, the ill-equipped Hungarians’ main dilemma was a nefarious entanglement in local ethnic and nationalist conflicts, in which the Soviet Partisans played only a limited role.
Testing successive regression approximations by large-scale two-stage problems
A heuristic procedure, called successive regression approximations ( SRA ) has been developed for solving stochastic programming problems. They range from equation solving to probabilistic constrained and two-stage models through a combined model of Prékopa. We show here, that due to enhancements in the computer program, SRA can be used to solve large-scale two-stage problems with 100 first stage decision variables and a 120 dimensional normally distributed random right hand side vector in the second stage problem. A FORTRAN source program and computational results for 124 problems are presented at  www.uni-corvinus.hu/~ideak1 .
Efficiency of Monte Carlo computations in very high dimensional spaces
A standard measure for comparing different Monte Carlo estimators is the efficiency, which generally thought to be declining with increasing the number of dimensions. Here we give some numerical examples, ranging from one-hundred to one-thousand dimensional integration problems, that contradict this belief. Monte Carlo integrations carried out in one-thousand dimensional spaces is the other nontrivial result reported here. The examples concern the computation of the probabilities of convex sets (polyhedra and hyperellipsoids) in case of multidimensional normal probabilities.
Convex approximations in stochastic programming by semidefinite programming
The following question arises in stochastic programming: how can one approximate a noisy convex function with a convex quadratic function that is optimal in some sense. Using several approaches for constructing convex approximations we present some optimization models yielding convex quadratic regressions that are optimal approximations in L 1 , L ∞ and L 2 norm. Extensive numerical experiments to investigate the behavior of the proposed methods are also performed.
A review essay on a book by Holly Case, Between states: the Transylvanian question and the European idea during World War II (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2009).
Beyond Nationalism
István Deák examines the Habsburg officer corps and the way in which it became the foremost preserver of the multi-ethnic Austro-Hungarian empire from the mid-nineteeth century to the empire's defeat in 1918. The officer corps was an important cohesive force in the empire, for it created a unified and loyal army from recruits representing all the different nationalities and ethnic groups of Austro-Hungary. The policies, character, social structure, and self-image of the Habsburg army have been neglected in the extensive literature on the origins of the First World War. Deák provides the most comprehensive social and cultural portrait to date of this important institution.
Subroutines for computing normal probabilities of sets-computer experiences
A subroutine package, called NORSET, has been prepared, that-via Monte Carlo integration-is suitable for evaluating several types of probabilities related to the n-dimensional normal distribution. The following probabilities can be computed: the distribution function value, the probabilities of rectangles, convex polyhedra, hyperellipsoids and circular cones in case of normal distribution. Probabilities accurate to three digits can be computed in less than 0.3 sec for up to 20 dimensions and in less than 10 secs for up to 100 dimensions. The description of the subroutines, results of computer testing and experimentations together with the conclusions are presented here. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]